Mirror Mirror Where's the Crystal Palace?

Everything's gotten so complicated. I almost wish they'd go back to that "Don't worry, this has nothing to do with you, just forget it happened" spiel. Only almost, though. But it's really hard not to worry when even the leaders of your nation are running around like headless chickens... (Where'd that phrase come from, anyway? Do chickens like running around without their heads or something?)

Um. Anyway. We found him. Minister Ajido-Marujido, I mean. See, we were running around Castle Oztroja looking for him, and it's not like the Yagudo were happy to see us, right? Some of the weaker ones ran when they saw us, so that was good, except it wasn't, because they brought reinforcements. So, uh, we ran. Actually, maybe it was a good thing we ran, because we ended up at a door with two switches in front of it, and one of them opened a trapdoor! We fell into a room... thing... and the mininster was there. He looked awfully hurt...

Minister Ajido-Marujido told us about how Windurst was first established, something about stars and Star Sibyls and the Book of the Gods. The fact that it went blank meant... er, well. Meant something bad, I'm sure. And the Star Sibyl wouldn't talk about it, so he went to see the Yagudo king instead. I wonder what happened there...

He went back to Windurst after that, which left Jenare and me stuck in Castle Oztroja. I was kinda surprised the Yagudo didn't come down after us, I mean, they've gotta know the trapdoor's there. They built the place. Maybe they figured we wouldn't have anywhere to go after that, anyway.

Eh, well, I guess they were right. We didn't. Much. There was another tiny trapdoor you could barely see, and it dropped us almost on top of another bunch of Yagudo. Geez...

But! But! They didn't expect us to be invisible! Hah! So we got out all right. Whew, I don't think I wanna go back there again for a loooong time. Or ever.

We did manage to find a weird old ring near the second trapdoor, though. It looked kinda familiar. Isn't this the one the Cat Burglar gave the mininster last time? The one those kids were looking for? ...Why am I even asking. I mean, of course it is.

So off we went, Jenare and I and the Star Onion Brigade. I felt kinda bad about it, but once they saw the ring, there wasn't much we could do to stop them, anyway. So it's better if we went with them, right? Right? Well, it was a good thing, too, because Nanaa Mihgo locked us all in the "ghosty house". We only managed to get out because those kids found a coffin with a Cardian inside.

...A Cardian named "Joker". Haven't I heard that name somewhere? But where? And it's different from all the other Cardians, too...

Well. Anyway. Joker let us out, and went off with the kids. But before we left, Jenare and I heard a... a something. Turned out that shiny red stone was Carbuncle's Ruby. Woah. What was it doing in a monster's stomach? Did it eat Carbuncle? Erm, anyway, we ran into Minister Ajido-Marujido once again. Guess he's recovered. He said to gather... colors of the sky. Or something like that. For the ruby.

What does that even mean?

But nevermind, I'll figure it out later. After the minister ran off again, I finally remembered to report to Lady Semih Lafihna about finding him. Oops. Well. I don't think she noticed my detour anyway.

So now, Minister Ajido-Marujido got branded a traitor and all the guards in Windurst are looking for him. I kinda feel... I dunno. Isn't he trying his best, too? I mean, all the Sibyl Guards are calling him power-hungry, but I really don't think power's what he's after this time. At least not power for himself!

Argh, I'm still so helpless. Jenare and I, aren't we searching for power, too? Isn't just about everyone, in one way or another?

...I wanna know what the deal with that ruby is. I wonder if it'd help any.
What an honour!

Today, when I was passing by the gate, a guard told me that Lady Semih Lafihna wanted to see me. The leader of the Sibyl Guards! And maybe our next Chieftainess! I've only seen her once before, when she told that cleric, Kupipi, to give me my orders for--

Right, that... scary dragon...

Mm, well, anyway, I got to go up Heavens Tower! It's really beautiful up there. There're lots of shiny things that I reeeeaaally don't think I should touch. Or go near. I got to meet all sorts of important people, too. Although "important" people really end up much stupider when you meet them in person.

There were those ladies in waiting, for one. Apparently, to be one, you had to be a female tarutaru who was neither strong nor good at magic. Doesn't that kinda mean it's a fancy title for a weakling? Sheesh. And the head lady in waiting! Argh, I can't stand her. She sounds like a cranky grandma gone wrong.

Lady Semih Lafihna was pretty amazing, though. We... talked. She said she delivered my report to the Star Sibyl. The one about that dragon and the Shadow Lord. She also asked me not to mention it, because the tarutaru suffered enough. She was so... strong and calm and kind. A little like Kii.

...A little like Jenare, too, isn't that.


Minister Ajido-Marujido showed up when we were talking, and just... totally blasted the Sibyl Guards with something-or-other. I mean, not that he hurt them, but... eh. He demanded to see the Star Sibyl, and tossed that book I found waaaay before at Lady Semih Lafihna.

The Book of the Gods. He'd mentioned that before. So did Tosuka-Porika, the Optistery Mininster... They both wanted me to forget about it, but now...?

I don't know anymore. They had a huge argument, and the Mininster ran off, and then Lady Semih Lafihna ordered me to follow him.

...Like it's that easy.

Well. Easier than killing a dragon, I guess.

I went to look for him at the Orastery, but he wasn't there anymore. They said he went to Castle Oztroja. But why Castle Oztroja? It's crawling with Yagudo!

This might not be as easy as that dragon after all...

Aah well. At least Jenare would make it easier.
Heh... He really tries pretty hard. Jenare, I mean.

I guess he noticed how I've been. Er, well, guess it's kinda hard not to notice. I wasn't exactly subtle. But he's kinda stupid about everything else, after all! But anyway, I'm... I'm glad. How he is.

He came back to Windurst with me. It's kinda nice having him around. Someone to talk to, someone to laugh with...

Or, y'know, laugh at.

A while ago, I accidentally stumbled on a group of kids calling themselves the "Star Onion Brigade". For some reason, they thought I wanted to be a member, and gave me a "test" to bring them some kinda tail for their little taru girl. Because I was an adult, and adults were bad. Something like that. Anyway, turns out her mother pickles rarab tails -- the food, not the animal, and they ended up letting me pass and giving me some llittle necklace badge. I guess it's... cute?

I really didn't think of them back then, but it looks like they're getting themselves pretty deeply involved in a lot of important stuff. ...Okay, let's back up a little.

Last time I was here, they found out Nanaa Mihgo was sneaking around the "ghosty house". The House of the Hero. They knocked her out for a bit with onion bombs, but didn't catch her. But anyway, anyway! She dropped a shiny thing--er, I mean, a Mana Orb. The things I had to transport back in my squishier days for the everything-stery. But why would she have one?

This time, apparently, she's been telling them that it's too dangerous for them to keep it, and, y'know, I think she's right for once. But it disappeared, and they insisted on using some... what was it again. Junior Detective kit thingamajig. To find it. I thought I'd take Jenare to see them, so he got roped into it too, which was great, because Pichichi's mother -- yes, the one with the rabrab tail -- made us fake moustaches.

Jenare looked absolutely ridiculous. Well, I probably did, too, but I bet he was funnier~!

It was worth it, to see that! Even when we found out Pichichi's the one who hid it in the first place. Sheesh, these kids...

And now they wanna get into the ghos--HOUSE OF THE HERO. It takes a... ring... to open. Karaha-Baruha's, to be precise. Last I remember, Mininster Ajido-Marujido had it... I doubt he'd let some kids play with it.

On an unrelated note, Jenare and I went to Giddeus today to get chest keys. It was actually really easy! Man, and I used to be scared of that place. Well, one down, two to go, and then I get to go to Kazham!

    Rii Kalira

    Age: 19
    Race: Mithra
    Nationality: Windurst

    Linkshell: Mythopoeia
    Jobs: WHM 63, DNC 39, BLM 33, SMN 33, BRD 31, NIN 23, THF 23, DRG 22, RDM 19, BLU 14, WAR 14, SCH 13, RNG 11, COR 10, MNK 10, SAM 10, PUP 10
    Missions: Windurst 6-1, RotZ 3, CoP 3-3, ToAU 12, WotG 2, ACP 6, MKD 9, ASA 4
    Crafts: Rii: Cooking 51, Alchemy 31, Smithing 13, Woodworking 13, Fishing 21
    Lokh: Clothcraft 22, Bonecraft 8, Leathercraft 6, Alchemy 5
    Nightingale: Alchemy 12, Smithing 4, Goldsmithing 3


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