Mirror Mirror Where's the Crystal Palace?


Yoohoo, sweetie!

How's everything going? I must say, I was simply shocked when I heard that you left Windurst; with a man, no less! Well, I suppose all kittens must grow up. So did I miss the wedding? When should I expect my grandkittens?

Speaking of congratulations, I've also heard about your graduation from the Aurastery as a white mage. I really do regret not being there to support you. On the bright side, I have pictures!

That aside, you should be delighted to find out that I'll be staying around Windurst for the time being. I know you have your own Mog House now, but, of course, you can always visit home when you want.

By the way, I've joined the weavers' guild and taken up clothcraft. Now that you're around your Elvaan, you'll be outgrowing your robes in no time! Of course, this is a little different from the sewing I used to do, so I'll need to start from the bottom.

I'll be taking up some light adventuring, but could you lend me soe funds and materials to get started? Thank you ever so much, darling!

Lots of love,

P. S. Your sister would be proud of you.

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