Mirror Mirror Where's the Crystal Palace?

Rolanberries are delicious. They are! They really are! I found a shop in Jeuno that sold them, and I ate a whole bunch. I wonder if I should bring some back home, though… I mean, that aide in Heavens Tower kept asking for presents, and someone said she liked them. It couldn’t hurt, right? And if we’re planning to hunt cockatrices again, we’d probably go back to Windurst to sell their feathers…

Okay, then! Rolanberries it is! I just hope they don’t go bad before we get back…

I think we’re done in Jeuno for now, at least. A few days ago, we met yet another weird person, and this one wanted us to go advertise some mercenary company in Aht Urhgan. Why us? I mean, yeesh, can’t he go advertise by himself? But anyway, Jenare, proper, “right thing to do”, “can’t refuse request”, blah blah blah, so we did it, and he gave us some invitation card. Like that’d do any good. Isn’t that just advertising more? How many people here are even planning to go somewhere that far?
We found another pretty place today. We were going to hunt cockatrices in the Meriphataud Mountains, except we got lost – well, Jenare said we didn’t – and we found some… place.

A forest.

It was one of the prettiest forests I have ever seen. It was wondrous! The trees were so big, so tall, I couldn’t even see the tops of most of them. Some could really give our Star Tree a run for its money. They must have been here for forever, untouched, unspoiled. It wasn’t like Yuhtunga Jungle, where myriad plants grew ever which way. Here, there were just the trees, ancient kings…

Argh, look at me talking like that. Spent too much time around Jenare, I bet. We spend almost all our time together now. Not that I mind anymore, I guess. I mean, he’s still kinda boring, but that’s why he needs me! To make things more interesting!

Ooh, how did I start talking about him again. I bet it’s just because he’s tall, like a tree. He’d be a really small tree compared to all the ones there, though.

Oh, there were pretty stones, too. They looked like some kind of crystal, except not really, and they were purple! And pretty! And shiny! They really glowed! And not even Jenare knew what they were.

We also saw a golem! At least, Jenare told me it was a golem later. It was the first time I’d ever seen one. I thought it was a weird statue at first, until it moved. I bet it could have crushed us like ants if it noticed us…

It’s kind of funny. It’s almost like the monsters are the guardians of the forest. If they weren’t there, maybe someone would have cut down those trees, and taken those crystals. I’m glad no one did. I’m glad we had a chance to see the forest in all its splendor.
Ahh… home~!

Elshimo is what everywhere should feel like. Nice and warm and filled with pretty things.

Instead of staying in Kazham this time, we decided to explore the Yuhtunga Jungle, see. And boy, did we get lost. All the trees looked the same, and there were tunnels everywhere, and, and, holes in the ground! So it’s not like it was my fault, right?

There were weird animals, too. Lots of opo-opos. There were tons of them inside Kazham, too, as pets. I wonder if Jenare would lemme keep one…

Speaking of Jenare, he looked pretty bad in the heat. I almost feel bad for him, but, hmph, that’s what he gets for dragging me to weirdo cold places.

It was better at night, though. Well, I guess it was still too hot for silly elvaan people, but at least better than daytime. And there were weird plants! I thought the only glowing things were the stuff in Kazham that the Rhinostery copied, but, there were some even nicer ones in the jungle! They were positively boring in the day, but they started shining and shining at night! If it weren’t for the monsters, I’d really want to just live there beside one.

And we found something else almost as cool, too. A waterfall! A huge, pretty waterfall! I even found the way to get there! It was through some hole in the ground, and, ah, you know. You just… jump down, and… ummm… y-yeah…

Anyway, I found it, and it was nice! So there!

I want to come here again someday. I really, really do.
Hah! We joined the Tenshodo! Well. I joined, and I gave them Jenare’s application, so I’m going to pretend he joined, too. No harm done, right? He’ll be glad one day when he reeeeaaaaaaally needs to go behind that door.

Speaking of which, I went there! It was really, really cool! They had lots of awesome stuff, just like I thought. But it’s not like they’d let me have any of it…

And then there was a huge treasure chest! I wonder what’s in there.

Oh, but we did get something out of it. Maybe. There was someone there giving out boat passes to go to Aht Urhgan. He wanted either a whole lot of gil, or some really weird items. Lots of weirdos like that in Jeuno.

But. Well. I guess we don’t have time right now.

We’re going back to Kazham!
Let’s not go to places with dead things again. Let’s not.

As per that friar’s request, we went to Eldieme Necropolis this time. It wasn’t a nice place. I mean, I guess it wouldn’t be. It was a place for dead people. At least we didn’t have to go in very far. There were braziers to burn the incense near the entrances…

But, I wonder if it even worked. I don’t think anything seemed any calmer, at least.

But, mm, well, at least the friar didn’t seem too surprised? He even gave us a letter to give to the one back in San d’Oria.

But. But.

He said it’s not urgent or anything.

So it’s okay if we do other things, right?
We met another friar, this time in Windurst. I guess it was lucky we went back there. Apparently, he’d been asking for us. Why all these churchpeople from San d’Oria? Yeesh…

Anyway, this one wanted us to calm the dead in the Eldieme Necropolis by burning incense.

It’s not like we can refuse, but. But. Why do they all like sending me to ghosts? What would they have done if they hadn’t found us?
Today, I met Carbuncle again! Well, kind of. Jenare said something about attune energy to other sources and trying something different, so, so, I thought I’d try summoning! I mean, I’ve wanted to try ever since we’d met him, so, so!

Jenare was a bit uneasy about it, I think. But isn’t it okay? I mean, just because it’s forbidden doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, right? Right? Didn’t Fenrir save us in the war? Isn’t Minister Ajido-Marujido searching for this same power?

Carbuncle told us that we needed him. He wanted us to visit ancient being of legend, and see the true Vana’diel.

I don’t think he was lying. We need his power.

So I learned to summon him better. And Jenare learned other styles of fighting, too! We were really strong together, it was incredible. We’re really growing, learning!
…Oh, the churchper—the friar and his request.

We put the seal there.

He gave us… a scroll of magic. White magic. A teleport spell. A long time ago, I would have thought it’d be impossible to learn a spell this complex, but when I saw it, it seemed kind of… easy. I guess we really grew a lot stronger…

This spell lets us teleport to the Crag of Holla.

I guess it’ll be easier than ever to go to San d’Oria from now on.
I am never going in there again.



We went to Gusgen Mines like that churchperson asked us! It wasn’t that scary last time – okay, maybe it was – so I thought it’d be okay, right? Right?

Except we had to go way deep inside! A-and there were ghosts everywhere! Real ghosts! From dead people! I-it’s not like they were trying to bother us, but we’d see them there, walking along, and I wonder if they noticed us, or if they even realized they were dead. But some of them looked horrible, horriblehorrible, and they’d scream or laugh and sometimes Jenare didn’t even hear it.

And then we couldn’t get out! There were doors, but they were all shut, and we were just… stuck. If we didn’t have magic, if we didn’t warp out, what would have happened? I-it’s not like anyone goes down there. Would we run out of food or get killed and become ghosts too?

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. Not yet. I don’t want to become a ghost. Jenare said they might have been dead miners. What kept them there, even after death? Why didn’t they move on? Why are they still suffering, even now?

I don’t want to go there again. It’s too scary. Too depressing.
We met a weird person from the church today. They’re all kinda weird, but apparently, this one’s heard of us and wanted to ask us for help. He said there was some seal or other inside the Gusgen Mines and we had to replace it with a new one.

B-but isn’t that place full of ghosts?

    Rii Kalira

    Age: 19
    Race: Mithra
    Nationality: Windurst

    Linkshell: Mythopoeia
    Jobs: WHM 63, DNC 39, BLM 33, SMN 33, BRD 31, NIN 23, THF 23, DRG 22, RDM 19, BLU 14, WAR 14, SCH 13, RNG 11, COR 10, MNK 10, SAM 10, PUP 10
    Missions: Windurst 6-1, RotZ 3, CoP 3-3, ToAU 12, WotG 2, ACP 6, MKD 9, ASA 4
    Crafts: Rii: Cooking 51, Alchemy 31, Smithing 13, Woodworking 13, Fishing 21
    Lokh: Clothcraft 22, Bonecraft 8, Leathercraft 6, Alchemy 5
    Nightingale: Alchemy 12, Smithing 4, Goldsmithing 3


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