Mirror Mirror Where's the Crystal Palace?


He is such a...

Such a--!



And it's not even his fault. Aah, Altana, Kii's perfume. How did he-- Where--

Dammit. I can't believe he remembered.


...Actually, yeah. yeah, I can. But why...! What the heck am I supposed to do with this? It's not mine. It's absolutely, completely for Kii.

Maybe I should have told him from the start. Tch... too late now, right? Anyway, who's gonna know I'm not Kii? Our neighbours, my mother. That's all, isn't it? And it's not like he'd ever talk to any of them. I don't think he's even starting to suspect. Does he even remember I exist?

This is already turning into the crappiest Starlight Celebration ever. No Kii, and I'm stuck with some stupid Elvaan boy who can't see the truth right under his nose. I hate this I hate this I hate this. I hate him. It's all his fault. Hmph. All... his fault...

...I... I took a walk today. Stupid Elvaan boy or not, it's way too pretty to stay inside all day. Everything is shining. San d'Oria's trees are huge. I bought a Windurstian one, but... it's really small, even to me. Guess that's what happens when you live with Tarutaru.

Anyway, there were some moogles looking for help in exchange for presents. Again. In Northern San d'Oria (boooooring area names here), they wanted adventurers to give cards to each other. I traded one with an Elvaan woman named "Ellanore". Preeetty sure I've heard that name before. Isn't she Jenare's friend-in-Bastok's fiancee or something? Why's she here and he there? Well, not that I asked. Maybe she's someone else with the same name. Argh, what's it matter, anyway?

...Stupid Jenare. I can't even not wear this thing.

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    Rii Kalira

    Age: 19
    Race: Mithra
    Nationality: Windurst

    Linkshell: Mythopoeia
    Jobs: WHM 63, DNC 39, BLM 33, SMN 33, BRD 31, NIN 23, THF 23, DRG 22, RDM 19, BLU 14, WAR 14, SCH 13, RNG 11, COR 10, MNK 10, SAM 10, PUP 10
    Missions: Windurst 6-1, RotZ 3, CoP 3-3, ToAU 12, WotG 2, ACP 6, MKD 9, ASA 4
    Crafts: Rii: Cooking 51, Alchemy 31, Smithing 13, Woodworking 13, Fishing 21
    Lokh: Clothcraft 22, Bonecraft 8, Leathercraft 6, Alchemy 5
    Nightingale: Alchemy 12, Smithing 4, Goldsmithing 3


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